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My Style Secret

Hey there, first and foremost let me apologize for being soo incredibly late and for falling off the posting wagon for a while..

I can totally explain ! LOL

Let’s play catch up shall we?

I have been super swamped between wedding’s and of course editing as well

as getting ready for our bridal show which went off without a hitch, with little to no complications!

Also, We welcomed a NEW 2018 ANP Bride to our calendars , So that was exciting.

On a personal note my little man turned 3 on August 28th .. Of course I spent some time away

from the computer  and social media scene while prepping for his birthday.

Okay now that we’ve taken some time to catch up on the latest and greatest lets get to this long overdue

blog post!  Every once in a while I’ll get emails or social media messages about where I get my clothes.

So hopefully this answers some questions!

Who wants in on my style secrets??

My Biggest Style Secret is STITCH FIX!

I absolutely love my personal stylist Erin, she always pulls the most fashionable and trending pieces for me

every month I  receive my fix and i can’t even wait to open it ! Now, you can totally change things up

and receive a fix whenever you want.. if you’re not getting paid or something you can reschedule a fix

or you can always skip a fix !

First things first,  you’ll fill out a style profile so your personal stylist can get to know you better..

your likes and dislikes the more  descriptive you are the better your fixes!

They will also ask you to create a stitch fix board and send the link to your stylist so they can stay up to date on

what your currently in to and that way they can give you better outfit inspiration.

Once all of that is finished you will set up your billing & payment information along with your shipping info!

Then all thats left to do is schedule your first fix.. which I was nervous to try it at first because I am rather picky..

However, Now that Erin and I are on the same page which took a few fixes lets be honest .. which is normal

only because you’ve obviously never met them in person. Once I would check out I would leave her little notes

and explain what I liked about each fix and I would give the entire fix a rating. She was never discouraged

if I told her I didn’t like a specific item and one time my washer ate a piece that I was in love with and they

actually sent me a new one for free! Yes, you read that right FREE!  the customer service is

amazing and I’m so happy that I’ve been using stitch fix for almost a year.

I have gotten so many compliments on my outfits since I’ve been using stitch fix ! 

So usually during the check out process you have the option of keeping what you want and you get 3 days to send the items

you don’t want back. Now , you can  also use your styling fee which is $20.00 (which is your monthly fee) towards a credit on a piece

that you’re keeping or you can buy the entire fix ( 5 pieces )  for 25% off!

The fix comes with a styling card on how to wear your pieces inside of your fix as well as a receipt showing the

prices of each item as well as the 25%  discount if you keep all the items within your fix.

If this sounds like something you’re interested in then you should totally check it out

by clicking here

So now you know my style secret let me know if you end up signing up and receiving your first fix  I’d love to hear about your style journey!


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