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Victoria’s Baby Gender Reveal


     Victoria & her daughter Ava are welcoming another GIRL into the family,
nothing is more exciting than bows & tutus and becoming a BIG SISTER.

“Ava knew it was a girl from day one ” says Victoria. I asked her if she was wanting it to be a specific gender

and she told me she would’ve liked a little boy but as long as the baby is healthy another girl would be perfect.

She also told me that ” We are so excited to welcome another girl to our crazy duo”.

Ava says she loves her little sister more than anything.. “She gives her kisses everyday” says Victoria.

Ava also demands that she will sleep in her bed with her.

“Although Ryleigh wasn’t planned I couldn’t be happier to have her.

All I’ll ever need is my girls ” Victoria told us.

Thank you guys for reading

Until next time,



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